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I ran for office with the goal of balancing the interests of residents with those of our business community and visitors.


My principle in governing is to put the interests of residents first as they fund the largest majority of the City’s budget. Every decision I make as a Council member is guided by this principle.


I’ve worked in corporate America as an executive for major telecom companies, including AT&T and MCI. 


I’ve managed and trained a sales group, run budgets, and learned to balance customers’ needs with corporate’s demands. 


In short, I have become skilled at:


• Asking the right questions


• Digging for accurate information


• Making fiscally sound decisions


• Working with different groups to achieve

   effective results


I’m married and have had two sons, the first of which we lost to a rare form of cancer that he contracted while serving in the Peace Corps in 2004. I’ve been through some rough patches in my life, but this was the most difficult thing a parent can experience.


My son Rick never complained during that entire year and a half of his ordeal. That gave me both comfort and the courage to carry on. A year after Rick’s passing, in 2005, we moved to Laguna. 


It’s easy to meet people in Laguna. And it’s even easier once you get involved in civic organizations.


Which is why I joined the LB Film Society, serving as a member, board member and chair.


I’ve also served on the Laguna Beach Beautification Council in the same positions.


Plus I was the chair and a member of the transition team for Laguna’s Housing and Human Services Committee.


I’m currently a member of Village Laguna.


I’ve also spent three years with Chris Reed, helping to restore 15 acres of open space in Bluebird Canyon – so I’m a hands-on environmentalist.


In 2019, David Raber, Mike Morris and I founded Laguna Residents First, which is sponsoring a ballot initiative for the 2022 elections. Though I’m no longer a LRF official, I still support the organization’s goal of giving residents the right to vote on major commercial development projects.


I need input from residents, business owners and organizations to represent you at City Council.


So I have an open door policy about meeting anyone to discuss an issue.

Please don’t hesitate to call or email me at any time.


Thank you – stay safe and stay well!

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