Laguna Beach City Council
District Attorney Admonishes City Council For Brown Act Violations,
Imposes Consequences For Lack Of Transparency
George Weiss: As a result of my concern regarding the City’s actions during the closed session held on June 29, 2021, I received the following letter from the District Attorney. I am pleased that that City Council and City government will be required to increase transparency. While the District Attorney said there was significant evidence that I potentially violated the Brown Act, I believe this is not the case.
As mentioned in a previous update, only four topics are allowed to be discussed in closed sessions: real estate transactions, labor negotiations, personnel issues, and litigation. Any other topical information discussed outside of these for categories is not subject to the confidentially restriction. At the closed session on July 29, the official posting was “Litigation”. Litigation was not discussed but an update on the progress being made at Hotel Laguna and a vote on removing the stop work orders was and therefore that discussion was public information. I will be writing to the District Attorney to clarify this.
Read letter from: Todd Spitzer District Attorney (Sept. 23, 2021)