Laguna Beach City Council
Please Read this Important Email on Restricting City Council Agenda items
January 22, 2022
Hello Fellow Residents,
I need your help!
You elect City Council members to “do the people’s business”. For me that means following through on the commitments I made prior to being elected and placing your requests into actionable items for discussion by City Council. If the idea make sense, like the requirement to electrify our City’s vehicle fleet did, then the Council votes to approve and directs City Staff to turn policy into practice.
For many years the City has been using an ad hoc process, not following the terms of a 1968 resolution that allows Council member to submit an item for discussion at one Council meeting to be placed on the agenda for the next meeting. While this process may be an old one it’s still legally valid, (see attached).
Other cities have policies that allow for agenda items to be placed with the concurrence of one other City Council member. In other cities, like Santa Barbara, the City Manager in consultation with the Mayor and or Mayor Pro-Tem place items on the Council sets the agenda.
The City is proposing (Item 11) a restrictive process for placing items on the City Council agenda by placing control in the hands of the City Manager. City Staff are creating this policy instead of City Council members. Creation of this policy should be in the hands of City Council. Another proposed restriction limits a Council member to four agenda items a YEAR.
We must adopt a process that is the product of the Council Members themselves not one created by City Staff.
Please consider making a comment to oppose this resolution.
See a copy of this agenda item here:
How to participate in the City Council Meeting for Tuesday, January 25th: It’s item 11 so it may take an hour or more for this item to be up for discussion. Best to watch or listen and be ready when the item comes up.
You may view the meeting live on Cox cable channel 852 and online on the City of Laguna Beach website:
You may listen and comment over the phone or computer during designated public comment periods by following the steps below:
* You can click on this link from your computer or smart phone to participate via zoom:
* You may call (669) 900-9128, and wait for instructions. The Webinar id is 91641723096#.
Let us know you want to comment on an item that is being discussed by pressing *9 on your phone.
When you hear from the meeting operator, "your phone is unmuted," please press *6, then proceed with your comment. The time for comments may be limited, so prepare your remarks accordingly.
**If you have issues getting into the Zoom meeting, or raising your virtual hand to comment, you may TEXT the City Clerk: (310) 722-5051
Thank you.
George Weiss